AWS Caching Demos


Accelerating RDS/MySQL lookups with AWS Elasticache

Use this page to construct queries to run against the schema shown to the right.
The schema and data are taken from
  • Run Query
  • Use this button to execute your SQL query. It uses the Lazy Loading technique to check the existance of a result set in Elasticache first before querying the database. If there is no result set, the database is queried and the result set is entered into Elasticache. Construct your query and press the button several times to see the difference.
  • Compare
  • Use this button to calculate the percentage decrease in application latency. It clears all result sets from Elasticache then executes your SQL query 6 times and calculates the difference in responsiveness.
  • Flush Cache
  • Use this button to clear all result sets from Elasticache.
Here are a few sample queries you can use and their approx SQL execution times.
  • (0.02 seconds)
  • (6-10 seconds)
  • (8-12 seconds)
  • (45-50 seconds)

Accelerating S3 object lookups with AWS Elasticache

Accelerating DynamoDB lookups with AWS DAX